25 Mayo 2023
Bug Fixes
- #24414
- #24798 Deleting member subscription is not possible
- add a test for updating date on task update in tab time consummed pro…
- add charchesociales in security.lib.php
- Add Missing rights check on holiday calendar
- Add the possibility to events owner to check their events from the list when the perm "Read the actions (events or tasks) of others" is not active
- Authorize '0' subprice in supplier proposal line
- avoid error when computed property of extrafields is used
- avoid warnings php8
- Back to cancel on reception creation
- Bad deletion of email when there is several emails processed
- bank account not visible on credit transfer
- Better support for option MAIN_NO_INPUT_PRICE_WITH_TAX
- broken feature : send private message by email
- categorie compatibility with actioncomm
- Click on "NEW" in simple POS was broken
- Compress in xz for better debian old version compatibility
- Correct Evaluation for extrafields
- Count only attendee draft of validated.
- Creation of thumbs when images.lib.php was already included
- delete of warehouse
- deletion of a line of time spent (backport e3aa438d2a582313dfd5178b8cc5975e0c912c25)
- Deployment of external module failed with copy dir error.
- edit field value of url
- error management on emoji and utf8 validity by emailcollector
- expense report autofill ttc input if force ttc conf is enabled
- filter missing id on consumption contact card
- Filter on member status
- Filter status orders in list no invoiced if validated + in progress + delivered
- Fiscal year list ref display
- for empty shipping
- jump to direct record on member search was broken
- label of columns must be short into invoice PDF table
- making search in takepos broken when TAKEPOS_PRODUCT_IN_STOCK is set
- Margin calculation for credit notes on margin reports
- missing checking if file is uploaded
- missing constant and avoid submit button conflict
- missing entity field in unique index (since v16)
- Missing error message display on insertExtrafields()
- missing mrp module dependency
- More complete fix for #24411
- No error message because $price_ht_devise is equal to '0' if not filled because of price2num
- No usage of the function updateProduction in the update function
- On company change, we must reuse the company parameters
- Operator to search category Knowledge
- Pb in install when password start with some special char like !
- pb in sending email when mail contains data src image.
- PDF Font for turkish language
- product notes rights
- Propagate correct origin/origin_id when creating order from proposal
- Propagate extrafields from supplier order to reception
- reassortlot search categorie + add inithooks
- Reception process loose some lines on first error.
- redesign of the function : updateProduction
- ref_client on Project Overview for propale
- reference id in getnomurl function.
- regression Undefined $datepaid
- remove NOTOKENRENOWAL (backport commit v17 7c316229db8060781ee50f4465b1133b5aeef156)
- Remove warning on lettering - Impossible to write in ledger v16 v17 v18
- Report of date of task suggested only if there is tasks
- Rounding on total margin on invoice list
- Search List Select Extrafields with condition
- Search when criteria start with !
- Sending email from attendee list
- Shipping address same third party
- special chars in generated file name from build doc mass action
- supplier invoice status on bank transfer line
- supplier link on bank transfer line
- Task events not displayed
- token errors on public interface
- Transfer between accounts with different currencies was broken
- Update hour of intervention line
- Upload of files on public ticket interface
- Use max parameters of widget graph product distribution
- Warehouse total line
- When salary module is not enabled, bad permission check on user list
- wrong colspan for tasks list
Leer más: https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/blob/develop/ChangeLog
3 Abril - 265MBBug Fixes
- 17.0 PHP Warning invalid argument supplied for foreach
- #[23799] - External users are not able to create events - correction
- #23966 Error "Param dbt_keyfield is required but not defined
- #24138 Fix box_birthdays SQL for postgres
- #24201 Upload of external module fails to copy from incorrectly generated temp source dir
- #24240 Dolibarr V17.0.0 PHP8 fatal error
- accountancy lettering: better error management
- accountancy lettering: correctly calculated number of lettering operations done
- accountancy lettering: error management and prevention
- accountancy lettering: prevent null results when fetching link with payments
- action delete card fac rec
- Add bookmark with search fields that are arrays (backport 4157263cb898f1847cfcfc22dee6007c01b13a4d)
- Add missing hook on LibStatut
- Add more context for selectForFormsListWhere Hook
- Autofill / clear qty in inventory page
- avoid php8 warnings
- avoid phpunit error
- can not show all csv fields (a reason for that ?)
- change date on select date input when prefix is used
- dol_textishtml() function
- expense report accountancy: sql syntax error when performing automatic linking
- Extrafields in Notes to unify with orders or invoices.
- fatal error when margin enable (missing check on element), fix User::hasRight() when checking a margin right
- feedbacks
- FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL param is not a string
- #24298 No error or 0.00 instead of NULL in database anymore when emptying an extrafield of type price on a propal card
- full group by handle
- holiday counter massaction: ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString and PHP 8 warning when no approval user right
- installation superadmin creation: PHP 8 warning
- invoices order on sells journal
- it was not possible to update extrafields of expedition lines with batch without editing batch value
- limit after order in get objects in category
- method dolGetGlobalString not defined with saphir
- missing column default workstation
- missing drop foreign key before modify field
- missing "multidir_output" for project sharing (Multicompany)
- missing protection on ajax public ticket page for valid email
- ODT management inverted between purchase invoice and order
- PDF Espadon => display extrafields
- PDF Espadon Expedition : notes and tracking number
- Phpunit Rename WebsiteTest.class.php to WebsiteTest.php
- project referent elements list: conf to hide tasks was flipped
- Protection on agenda view for a thirdparty id that does not exist
- search_project_user
- societe list: regression to redirection to customer card when single result of search filters
- SQL error "unknown column p.fk_soc" because ANSI-92 joins take precedence over ANSI-89 joins
- task have the same entity of project
- token error when closing ticket from public interface
- Warning on purchase order + Property fk_commande not defined
Leer más: https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/blob/develop/ChangeLog
(versión principal)
20 Marzo - 250MBFor users
- Minimal PHP version is now PHP 7.0 instead of PHP 5.6
- #21780 Add pid field to Cronjob class and store PID on job execution
- #20650 can move the checkbox column on left (experimental option MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN)
- #21000 Added columns 'alias_name' on project, supplier invoice, supplier order, supplier proposals and task list
- #21395 Added option for dark theme mode in display - color and theme
- #21397 added option to auto define barcode numbers for third-parties in barcode module setup
- #21399
- #21442 Enhancement of module builder init
- #21654 add bank account number used on invoices for debit
- #22048 Added notes to productlot module
- #22298 Bank - Add salaries & vat in the tab of planned entries of a bank account
- #22328
- #22424
- #22500 member module set up made easier
- #22527 projects and thirdparties can be viewed as conversation ("Message" view), like events/agenda.
- #22546 can now set user supervisors using mass action in htdocs/user
- #22594 can chose if VAT ID is unique or not for third parties
- #22622 all partnerships displayed on tab partnership of a thirdparty and member
- #22676 massaction for updating product prices
- #22735 Massaction to assign users on projects
- #4482 adding js to hide/show advanced option on the export data page
- Accountancy - Add a graphic option to enable lettering function - FPC21
- Accountancy - Add a way to clean some words when you generate thirdparty accounting account
- Accountancy - Added an option during export to export or not the lettering FPC21
- Accountancy - Manage supplier deposit with specific account
- Accountancy - Model Digitaria - Add a way to clean some words when you generate thirdparty accounting account FPC22
- Add a button "Test collect" in email collector
- Add a constant to disallow modification of the product reference.
- Add a method doAutoRenewContracts that can be used as a cron task.
- Add " as enclosure by default for CSV export. Keep removing CR/LF.
- add attached file in presend email form of thirdparty card
- Add a way to enter LICENSE file content in property of website
- Add badge in admin extrafields setup
- Add date event (!= date project) and location on event organization
- Add employment anniversary in birthday box
- Add extrafield type "IP" to store IP addresses
- Add fail2ban rules examples to limit access to /public pages
- Add filter "Product subject to lot/Serial" in stock per lot/serial
- Add hidden option MAIN_EMAIL_SUPPORT_ACK to restore Email ack checkbox (feature abandonned by mailers)
- Add IMAP port setting on email collector module
- Adding JAPAN Chart-of-Account and regions/departments
- Adding NIF verification for Algeria
- Add link to create an element from the category page
- add margin infos to takepos invoice lines
- Add max size send for "backup and link to mail" option
- Add method httponly_accessforbidden()
- Add more advices into the Setup security page
- Add new global variable for keeping the previous signature information on proposal (case of reopening a proposal)
- Add objectLink on shipment
- Add option --force on CLI cron_run_jobs.php
- Add option "Show price on the generated documents for receptions"
- Add performance index (name for company and contact) and llx_bank_url(url_id)
- Add picto property on sub-module for password generation
- add redirect on action confirm addconsumedline and addproduceline
- Add a new advanced permission "read price"
- Add substitution key __SENDEREMAIL_SIGNATURE__
- Add the referrer-policy to "same-origin" by default on all public pages.
- Add the SMTP header References on ticket email created by email
- Add the thirdparty column to the time list (projet/tasks/time.php)
- Add trigger to record the event of sending an email from a project #20912
- Allow download link option in module configuration (propal,invoice,supplier proposal, order)
- Bulk action to remove a category in list/search website pages
- Can copy/paste images into emails sent.
- Can edit label of an emailing even once sent
- Can edit property css, cssview, csslist on extrafields
- Can enter the unit price including the vat when adding new product lines on invoices, orders, proposals, ...
- Can invoice task time per different services
- Can join several files by default on email form
- Can send an email on scheduled job error
- Can set a commercial discount by entering amount including VAT
- Can set a monthly frequency (or multiple) in cron tasks.
- Can set start and end dates and comment on button "Activate all services"
- Can sort on preselected best supplier price
- Can use products categories to make inventory
- Change filter type on tickets list into a multiselect combo
- conf TIMESPENT_ALWAYS_UPDATE_THM, when it's on we always check current thm of user to update it in task time line
- show date delivery planned on orders linked to company and product
- Default doc template of contracts is not mandatory
- Default values in extrafields are no more limited to 255 char.
- display currency in takepos menu
- Enable online signature for interventions
- extrafield price with currency
- filter on reception dates (from / to) in cheque paiement card
- Members: default_lang for members
- Members: Table of membership types
- Members: add free membership amounts at the membership type level
- TakePOS: Header Scroll in TakePOS
- TakePOS: add price to product box in TakePOS
- TakePOS: add setup parameters, can setup terminal name
- TakePOS: support of Stripe Terminal with TakePOS
- TakePOS: Receipt preview in TakePOS setup
- TakePOS: different product list on smartphone
- Website: can delete a whole website if disabled
- Website: can remove a website template
- Website: can set header "Strict-Transport-Security" in web sites.
- Website: can switch status of website and page from the website toolbar
- Website: Templates of websites are now directories and not zip into core repo
- Website: add 4 other templates in website module
- Website: Add counters for public access of pages on a website
- If we select another view list mode, we keep it
- Init module bookcal
- Encrypt all sensitive constants in llx_const using dolEncrypt/dolDecrypt
- Invoice - Add french mention on pdf when vat debit option is on
- invoice export : add accounting affectation
- label on products categories filter
- The link "add to bookmark" is always on top in the bookmark popup
- MAIN_SEARCH_CATEGORY_PRODUCT_ON_LISTS const to show category customer filter
- Make module WebservicesClient deprecated. Use module WebHook instead.
- manage no email with thirdparties (better for GDPR)
- Manage Position (Rank) on Contract Lines
- Manage VAT on all lines on purchases cycle
- Page to show virtual stock at a future date
- On a bank reconciled line, we can modify the bank receipt
- On a form to send an email, we show all emails of all contacts of object
- Option PRODUIT_DESC_IN_FORM accept (desktop only or +smartphone)
- Page for mass stock transfer can be used with no source stock
- parent company column and filter in invoice and order list
- Add "Show Sales rep" option for PDF
- Picto for shared link is clickable
- possibility to select scopes with checkbox for Oauth tokens
- private and public note on user, thirdparty and contact list
- product categories filter on inventory list
- Product supplier price: autofill default supplier VAT
- Project - author field become an available column on lists
- Reception - Add a from/to on search on date field
- Start a simple support of recurrent events on agenda
- Resize parent company column in order list
- Saved token of OAUTH module are now encrypted into llx_oauth_token
- Save one click to select on delivery ack, on emails.
- scheduled job to send unpaid invoice reminder can now use the cc and bcc from email template
- set thirdparty type with company modify trigger
- Show also scheduled task never finished in scheduled task widget
- show badge with number of extrafields in setup
- show category tree in sellist and chkbxlst for common object
- Show picto and color into combo for selection of tags
- show product label on inventory
- show sell-by and eat-by dates only if not empty
- show SellBy/EatBy dates for each batch product in shipment card
- Can skip accept/refuse steps for proposals (option PROPAL_SKIP_ACCEPT_REFUSE)
- experimental SMTP using PhpImap allowing OAuth2 authentication (need to add option MAIN_IMAP_USE_PHPIMAP)
- can substitue project title in mail template
- Supplier order list - Add column private and public note
- The purge of files can purge only if older than a number of seconds
- Update ActionComm type_code on email message ticket
- VAT - Admin - Add information on deadline day for submission of VAT declaration
- expand/collapse permissions on user permission page
- Show delivery mode on PDF for proposals
- Add the target to select attendees of event for emailings
- Can set background style with MAIN_LOGIN_BACKGROUND_STYLE
- Modules: Experimental module Asset
For developers or integrators
- ModuleBuilder can generate code for a class from an existing SQL table
- #22370 Modulebuilder supports 'alwayseditable' (like extrafields)
- #20912 Add trigger to record the event of sending an email from a project
- #21750 Added "Get lines and Post lines from BOM" at the REST Service
- Removed completely the need for the library adodbtime
- hook on agenda pages
- hook to complete payment in TakePOS
- hook "changeHelpURL" to modify target of the help button
- hook formConfirm on action comm card
- hook to modify supplier product html select
- Add new hook for show virtual stock details on product stock card
- Add new hooks for actioncomm
- conf->global->SYSLOG_FILE_ONEPERSESSION accept a string
- translation for contact type API, setup/ticket API, shipping method API
- All ajax pages have now a header build with top_httphead()
- support multilang in Civilities API
- Add API for the partnership module
- Add "Get lines and Post lines from BOM" in the API
- Replace property fk_categories_product with categories_product in inventory class
- Rewrite of SQL request. Removed the join on category table (for filter on category), replaced with a EXISTS/NOT
- Add oldcopy to Ticket so triggers intercepting TICKET_MODIFY have access to old values of the updated properties
- #19680 Add option PRODUCT_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD to automatically have uploaded files shared publicly by a link
WARNING - Following changes may create regressions for some external modules, but were necessary to make Dolibarr better:
- Minimal PHP version is now PHP 7.0 instead of PHP 5.6
- The signature of method getNomUrl() of class ProductFournisseur has been modified to match the signature of method Product->getNomUrl()
- All functions fetch_all() have been set to deprecated for naming consitency, use fetchAll() instead.
- Code standardization: '$user->rights->propale' is now '$user->rights->propal' everywhere.
- Deprecated method set_billed() on shipment and reception class has been removed. Use setBilled() instead.
- Tables llx_prelevement_facture and llx_prelevement_facture_demande have been renamed into llx_prelevement and llx_prelevement_demande.
- Rename the substitution for "project label" instead of "project title" in substitution variables
- You must use "$objectoffield" to manipulate the current object inside the formulare of computed custom extrafields instead of $obj/$object.
- Making a global search is sending the parameter using always the name search_all (instead of sometimes sall and search_all)
- The property $url_last_version must be public if defined into module descriptor files;
Leer más: https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/blob/develop/ChangeLog
20 Marzo - 250MBBug Fixes and Changes
- Amount of localtax1 and 2 not correctly save on purchase order (the rate was saved instead)
- #20415
- #21280
- #22271
- #22524
- #22837
- #22964
- #23008
- #23012
- #23019 Impossible to add task times to an existing draft invoice
- #23072
- #23075
- #23087
- #23115
- #23116
- #23117
- #23281
- #23420 : wrong check on $search_categ value causing FATAL ERROR
- Accountancy - Quadra export
- add border left on image product when conf activated
- Add missing token when deleting template inn order_supplier admin menu
- API access for deactivated users
- bad selection of barcode numbering module
- Can't see all time spent by all user
- CI
- CommonObject - showOptionals - Display blank td when MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER is enabled and action is confirm_valid
- Documents API inconsistency
- Empty FormSetup emailTemplate type IF empty fieldvalue
- Errors Handling for CreateFrom Hooks
- error with dol_banner_tab, ref is needed
- ExpenseReport card was not reloaded after addline
- get multicurrency infos of propal when create order from propal with "WORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER" conf
- Give predictable order to inventory lines
- include class multicurrency
- methods declaration (backport fix 67b9a7dc07d708231d12b5e58800334d4a01ef98)
- multicurrency_tx and not currency_tx
- on public ticket list, only the page 1 was accessible. Other pages were 404 error.
- PGSQL Integer type does not have a free lenght
- Product list in setup.php in new Module
- propal and order stats broken on Tag+User(retricted customer list)
- saving of numbering module for jobs
- Stickler
- travis
- wrong check on $search_categ value causing fatal error
- wrong stock list with multicompany and without stock sharing
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